
PhD Supervision:

  1. Christos Katsivelos, December 2023 – now

MSc Thesis Supervision:

1. Styliani Lymperi, July 2023, Thesis title: ”The Selberg trace formula on compact Riemann surfaces.”

BSc Thesis Supervision:

1. Iakovos Makkas, (expected July 2024), Thesis title: “Algebraic number fields and Chebotarev Density theorem.”

2. Konstantinos Triamatakis, (expected July 2024), Thesis title: “Harmonic analysis and lattice counting problems.”

3. Michail Lolis, July 2023, Thesis title: ”L-functions of Dirichlet characters and Prime number theory.”

4. Dimitrios Nikolakopoulos, July 2022, Thesis title: “Integral points on curves.”